Contact Mo's Toes

Get in touch for mobile foot care services in Bedford. I am here to help with your foot care needs at home but I work alone and being very busy, I can rarely answer straight away. The quickest way to contact me is by leaving a message on 07758 153 205 (sorry but i no longer maintain a landline). That way I can get back to you as soon as I have a spare moment. alternatively you can contact me on the same mobile number by Whatsapp, text, Facebook Messenger or by emailing

Please note that I maintain a list of foot health professionals in nearby towns and would be very happy to help you locate a suitable practitioner even if I do not travel to your area. Please note I offer no warranty as to the services provided by such individuals, you will need to establish their bona fides for yourself.

If you run a service yourself, please feel free to reach out. I am always happy to hear from colleagues in my area and consider it very important to care for the environment and reduce treatment costs by keeping our travel distances to a minimum.


07758 153205
